As beginners at app development, we wanted to create a simple app that was both easy for us to code and also feasible for our target audience to use. A simple issue that several students tackle everyday is being unable to calculate either their school performance in terms of overall percentage, or for university students, being able to calculate their performance in terms of cgpa/sgpa (cumulative grade point average/semester grade point average). So in this project, we decided to come up with a simple solution to the latter.
App development seems to have a lot of scope in the coming years and we saw this as an opportunity to get started on it. We wanted to create an app that could simplify the process of calculating the sgpa as we were aware of the fact that most of our users did not know how to calculate it themselves, so we made sure that the amount of user inputs were as low as possible.
We learned that Android studio is quite intuitive, to the point where it is able to automatically change the scale of the app (in terms of size of buttons, user inputs, output values etc) depending on the resolution of the device used by the target audience. Also learned that, compared to python where you can directly create a variable and call it, in kotlin you have to create a function and call that function itself. There are several more syntax issues when it comes to kotlin, which is where android studio comes in handy as it gives several prompts while coding. We also noticed that debugging in it is easy as it is able to identify the errors and also provides a direct solution with a click of a button.
App development seems to have a lot of scope in the coming years and we saw this as an opportunity to get started on it. We wanted to create an app that could simplify the process of calculating the sgpa as we were aware of the fact that most of our users did not know how to calculate it themselves, so we made sure that the amount of user inputs were as low as possible and straight forward.
One of the main challenges was learning to code in a whole new language like kotlin and getting ourselves familiar with android studio.
Computation of SGPA
The SGPA is the ratio of sum of the product of the number of credits with the grade points scored by a student in all the courses taken by a student to the sum of the number of credits of all the courses undergone by a student, i.e
SGPA (Si) = Σ(Ci x Gi) / ΣCi
where Ci is the number of credits of the ith course and Gi is the grade point scored by the student in the ith course.
Example of computation of SGPA
We used Android studio to make the application Android studio runs on Kotlin and this was the first time for us using a coding language to write an app, let alone Kotlin. We made a test program just to understand the basics of kotlin and then proceeded to making the sgpa app. We started by making the layout and user interface to input the marks from students and then coded the app to parse the values into doubles so as to use it smoothly in the algebraic equations needed to compute the sgpa. Later We also spent time in trying to make the UI better hence we added disappearing hints to show which marks should go to which text box we also put a troubleshooter button on the front page .
Code Screenshots
We definitely have future plans for this project beyond this hackathon. We’d love to expand our app to help students from other colleges as well.
Sharwari Prakash M -
Aneerban Roy -
Sumedh Shrinath -
Riteesh Arul -
Shraddha Khanapur -